Blog > How Ultion Kept Another Home Secure From Burglary Attempt

June 25, 2024

How Ultion Kept Another Home Secure From Burglary Attempt

If you haven’t heard: Ultion stopped one more burglar from breaking in. A tense encounter, indeed, but with the pleasure of watching the burglars fail miserably. Jason from Doctor Locks sat down with us again, this time to tell us all about this impressive success story. Here’s how it all unfolded, and why securing your home with Ultion Locks is a smart move.

Ultion 3-Star Lock Foils Late-Night Break-In Attempt

We all know the unsettling feeling when an odd noise wakes us up in the middle of the night. A Birmingham family was recently awakened at 4am by two men in balaclavas trying to break into their home through the back door.

A home invasion is one of the most distressing experiences of one’s life. Burglaries not only have a financial impact on victims but also a strong emotional burden. Recent data from the Home Office reveals that 80% of homeowners involved in burglaries were emotionally affected by the experience. A third of them developed sleep difficulties and 42% felt more vulnerable in their homes. Certainly, that’s not what your home should feel like.

Despite the surprise sighting, the Birmingham family was safe. You see, this homeowner was prepared – he previously fitted Ultion 3-Star door locks to his front and back doors. That meant he had Lockdown Mode™ on his side. When the criminals snapped the lock, Lockdown Mode™ was activated, firing extra security pins that lock the Molybdenum cylinder in place. They even tried to use a screwdriver to remove the lock but with no success. Finally, they left – and another home was secured thanks to Ultion.

Keep Your Home Secure With Ultion 3-Star Kitemark Locks

Of all 273,076 burglaries last year, 26% of thieves gained entry through the back door. That’s over 70,000 homes! We know that many homeowners think door locks are an afterthought, but even those who care about securing their homes only fit quality locks to their front doors, leaving the back entrance exposed to burglars. To keep your home truly safe, you should install 3-Star Kitemark door locks at all points of entry to your home.

Our Birmingham family knew that secret and installed Ultion’s 3-Star door lock, so they could rest assured their home was protected. When the attempt happened, they quietly watched the burglars fail from the comfort of their living room.

The golden rule here is: don’t wait for something to happen before locking up your home. Prevention is the first layer of protectionUltion can cover the rest.

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